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FAQ and Troubleshooting

General Issues

I see occasional blurry and/or green tiles

There is a timeout for how long the system waits for individual satellite images. You can adjust how long the system waits for high resolution images by adjusting the 'max_wait' setting (in seconds) in your configuration file. Lower resolution tiles are used when available as a fall back. The green tile is used as a last resort.

By making this too high you risk introducing lag, stuttering, and delays. However this may need to be increased for users that are far from source servers or have slow internet connections.

I see a messge in the logs, but otherwise things work fine.

The log will log various things, typically info and warnings can be ignored unless other issues are seen.

In XPlane I get an error like Failed to find resource '../textures/', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/z_eur_11/terrain/'.

What's happening is that X-Plane has found a terrain file, but is not finding a linked texture. This could be caused by a few issues:

  • AutoOrtho isn't running
  • You may have broken the links from your texture directories to the AutoOrtho mount location. Perhaps you manually moved around directories after downloading these from the configuration utility.
  • The directory AutoOrtho is configured to run from is now different from the directory links the scenery packs point to.
  • On Windows 11 try uninstalling Dokan (and reboot) and install WinFSP instead. Or vice versa.

First verify that AutoOrtho is running and there are no obvious errors shown in a log. If it is running then verify that all the directory links are correct, and consider simply cleaning up and reinstalling scenery from scratch, keeping a consistent 'Custom Scenery' directory configured.

If in doubt, re-install the scenery packs.

Something went wrong with scenery setup and I'd like to start again. How do I reinstall?

AutoOrtho checks for metadata for installed scenery packs in Custom Scenery/z_autoorth/**_info.json Where '**' is a shortname for each scenery pack installed. You can delete the corresponding .json file, and re-run the configuration utility and should be able to reinstall the scenery pack

I installed scenery, setup Custom Scenery, and clicked 'Run' but X-Plane did not automatically startup

You have to start X-Plane separately from this tool. It's also best to start X-Plane after starting autoortho so that all new files and directories are picked up.

Linux Issues

When using the binary release on Linux I get an 'SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED' error

You may need to specify the SSL_CERT_DIR your particular operating system uses. For example:

SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs ./autoortho_lin.bin

On Linux this does not start/gives a FUSE error

Make sure that your /etc/fuse.conf files is set to user_allow_other. You may need to uncomment a line.

The program crashed and now I get an error when AutoOrtho attempts to mount

You can clear mounts manually with the command sudo umount -f AutoOrtho. You may need to run this for each remaining mount. The mount command will list your current mount points.

Windows Issues

When using Windows I see an error using the run.bat file such as note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. error: legacy-install-failure

This is likely due to having a very new version of Python and a package dependency that does not have a pre-built 'wheel' binary. Further in that error you will see a link to visual studio build tools that can be installed. You could also try downgrading your version of Python. For instance try uninstalling Python 3.11 and install Python 3.10.

Downloading and extracting files takes a very long time on Windows

This may be due to Windows Defender real time scanning be enabled. You can temporarily disable this, which should make a difference, but it will be re-enabled automatically.

You can exclude directories, such as `C:\Users.autoortho-data' or wherever else you installed your download and cache directories.

On Windows the executable/zip is detected as a malware/virus by Windows Defender

That is a false positive. Unfortunately, Windows is very dev and opensource unfriendly. You can choose to ignore this false positive or not, it's your computer. Alternatively, you can run this directly via source.

I get an error when running with scenery installed on a non-local drive or non-NTFS formatted drive when using Windows

This is not supported. Use a local NTFS formatted drive.